viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

Review Knowing Jack by Rachel Curtis

Knowing Jack

 by Rachel Curtis

Publication date: January 17th 2014

Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


KJI am not a slut, although I’ve been called one often enough. Yeah, I spent three months screwing one of my college professors, but I was crazy about the guy. Then he broke up with me.

I am not a bitch, although people like to say I am. I kept our relationship secret. I’m not responsible for telling the university administrators about it, but a lot of students still blame me for getting their favorite professor fired.

I am not a drama queen, although everyone thinks I am now. When I got a few nasty messages, I just deleted them. When I got the threat, I assumed it was someone being stupid. I still think that’s all it was. My parents worry, though, so they hired me a bodyguard. Now Jack follows me around, intimidating everyone who approaches me and looking obnoxiously hot.

This is what I am. I’m Chloe. I’m a twenty-year-old art history major. Kind of shy, although I pretend not to be. Stubborn enough to stay here for my senior year, even though everyone hates me.

And I’m stuck with Jack.

He calls me “Princess,” but I’m not a princess either.

Knowing Jack is a New Adult contemporary romance and includes adult content and language. The plot of the book is fully resolved at the end, but the last page includes a hanging teaser for the next book in the series.




 (No author picture available)

Rachel is a writer, a teacher, a romance reader, and a dog-mom.

She loves animals and art and hot men with soft hearts under a tough exterior.

She tries to write love stories that feel real, even in unlikely circumstances.



Hello, This book came into my hands through an ARC for your honest review, Is very fast, very attractive for the girls, a book than very probably call the attention for the history of attraction between Chloe and your bodyguards, Jack.

When I read the synopsis of Knowing Jack, what caught my attention was the direct than protagonist was with herself, Chloe.
She shows us the direct than is when she accept that had a relationship with a teacher at your school, and at the break that relationship,the consequences arrived promptly. And with that, someone will have to protect her even of himself, Jack.

Reading, I must say it is very easy, very fast, if you not have pending reads I think maximun will take 2 days.

The story has potential, in some parts had some conflict, and I wish more than the author exploring that Chloe literally had a problem of bullyng by students and teachers for the fact than Carter (the teacher in question) was fired . This was offset by a story that was cooking with Jack, his bodyguard.

I could clearly imagine the characters, Chloe is a girl than have charisma and is funny in some parts of read, and others very confused with herself . And Jack, girls ... It definitely he will win your heart and your desire to have a boy and he to protect them. 

I have a clash of opinion, I like but I lacked something, I don't know define, the overall story is good but could improve in some parts, is very well written and leaves me with the question whether there will be a second part, if well is yes, I would like to know and read it with pleasure.

This book is certainly for romantic girls, definitely.

The reading was for sunny days, with a ice tea and a sandwich.


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